

Personality Development

Poorna-“My Presence My Platform”, is a personality development and communication skills program that focuses on five factors of building confidence and strengthening presentation skills among children in the age group of 13-18. These five factors are Message, Voice, Body Language, Emotion and Conviction in presenting one’s idea.

Why ?

The Programme is aimed at those children who are not able to express themselves clearly or communicate effectively. This program will groom them as better speakers and will make them stand out from the rest of the crowd.

The Programme

Poorna is designed to help children funded by EDUCAIT to enhance their social and behavioral skills.

There are two aspects to this Program:

My Presence My Platform: This is a communication and public speaking skills program designed by specialists who handle learning and development for employees of large corporate organizations. This has however been tailored to suit the needs and maturity levels of children in High School and Undergraduate programs. The program has several modules which is delivered over a period of 8 weeks. These modules include

  • My confident Self :- Learn to build Confidence
  • My Strong Script:- Learn To Write A Strong Message
  • My Powerpuff Communication 1 :- Body Language, Gestures, Grooming
  • My Powerpuff Communication 2 :- Voice, Tone, Volume, Fluency, See Self Recording
  • My Powerpuff Communication 3 :- Practice Speak Smartly, Get Feedback
  • My Presence My Platform :- Build Confidence, Overcome Shyness

The Schedule

This program is done twice a year between June and September and then from November through January keeping in mind the rigours of school exams


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