The program began with a blessing from Lord Ganesha, setting a positive and auspicious tone for the event. The Trustee and Founder of Educait, Mr. Naveen Bannur’s presentation was so impactful! His vision for the trust and its future goals resonated with the audience, making it an even more memorable event.

Notable highlights included an inspiring speech from Donor Alamelu and a heartfelt address by Ms. Mrudula, a beneficiary and tutor of EDUCAIT, adding to the event’s significance. It must have been a unforgettable occasion for all involved!

EDUCAIT is recognizing the needy by identifying students who are financially disadvantaged and providing them with the necessary resources to continue their education. The event was indeed a powerful and emotional gathering, and we’re glad to recognize the students who excelled in their class 12 and 10 exams, the achievements of these bright students and sharing the inspiring stories of poorna students, those pursuing higher education despite financial challenges must have been incredibly moving, adding depth to the celebration of academic excellence. It was a truly meaningful occasion for everyone.
